Things to Know about Prenatal YogaAt the outset
please be aware that this article in not above your doctors advice
and cannot be a better alternative to your doctors professional
advice. Unless your doctor has proscribed otherwise, prenatal yoga is highly beneficial and safe for practice during pregnancy. Prenatal yoga can greatly assist you to stay in shape, maintain your body with great flexibility and to stave off your muscle tensions. You are aware that yoga is a combination of various postures, meditation techniques, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. Out of the various available methods few methods are found to be very useful and effective for practice during pregnancy. For example, asanas such as squatting over the floor is capable of strengthening your pelvic muscles and ease the child delivery process. Knowing the Limits of Prenatal Yoga is the Key Whenever you are starting your yoga class first, it is better to appraise your yoga instructor first about your pregnancy. In case you choose to practice prenatal yoga alone in the comforts of your home and away from all the prying eyes, then it is better you procure a DVD specifically meant for pregnant women. In prenatal yoga, there are no much restrictions when you are in your first trimester, but the situation may change as the fetus grows in age. If you are susceptible to morning sickness, or if you feel tired then you should not hesitate to take rest or at least you desist from doing prenatal yoga postures till you feel comfortable. It is always better to follow only the postures that you know comfortably and never venture with any new postures or the posture that may make you to stay upside down. By the time you enter into the second trimester, your morning sickness would have gone and you may start feeling well. But still you need to tell your instructor about your pregnancy or not to try out any postures without DVD assistance if done in solitude. As your body is amenable to change, you run a risk of losing balance that may turn out to be a very disastrous situation.Further, during the course of your prenatal yoga practice, never move swiftly or hold one particular posture for a long time. You should also note not to lay flat on your back for quite a long period when you enter into the sixteenth week of your pregnancy, as such act can hamper the blood circulation to the growing fetus and you may also develop giddiness. As you enter into your third trimester, you will start having problems with balance and you are more prone to fall. As a precaution, move slowly, note to use support and do not hold on to one particular posture for long. Avoid exerting pressures on your stomach and at the same time never try to stretch your abdomen to avoid any possible injury to the developing fetus. In case of need contact your yoga instructor for advice. Your pregnancy
need not be a limiting factor in your practicing yoga but you need to
exercise caution and need to take your doctors advice while practicing
prenatal yoga. Prenatal yoga is sure to prepare you for having a safe
and effortless delivery.
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