Tantric yoga - Exaltation of the physical being

Commitment to oneself is the basis or concept from which the Tantra Yoga came. Exaltation of the physical being is highlighted in this type of yoga.

People who support this belief are said to be Tantrics. These tantrics may go to any extreme to get occult powers by worshipping the physical state. This kind of practice were not used in many parts of the world but was practiced only in some parts of India.

Even now it survives in some parts especially those jungles and the hills of the Himalayas.There are many difference of opinion on the origin and source of the tantra yoga. It is argued by some people that this tantric yoga was with the pre-Aryans.

This tantric yoga was believed to have been in existence during the time when Buddhism was there. Even some Buddhists have used the signs of the tantric.Based on the symbols and signs used in the tantric factions and guild were formed.

It is found that the tantras consist of poems and verses that are used in the worship and adoration of the physical being.Tantras are perceived as something mystical and obscure by some people.

These persons who do the tantric acts are called the sadhakas. They live a simple life. For these people the yoga is the prayer. These sadhakas live in a secluded environment usually far away from the society.

They can be identified with their begging bowls and robes. These sadhakas usually sell medicines, charms and herbal items. Although this is one side of their life they are usually vicious in outrages and they inflict austerities upon themselves.

It is found that the different positions of having sex is the principle in the tantrism.Kundalini or the serpent power is used to acquire sidhi. This Kundalini is to awaken the serpent found in oneself. This serpent is said to uncoil and explode in to a vast form of energy is awakened.

During this process it is found that our body becomes very hot and sweats profusely. Stinging sensation is also experienced. It is believed that this condition might also destroy a person if he is not in control of the situation.

During the peak a person would feel absolute pleasure. If a person attains this position then he becomes a sadhu. Acquiring supernatural powers is also involved in tantrism. These powers are used to gain deliverance even it is considered as immoral or prohibited.

The yoga exercises in tantra yoga generally improve the sexual health. Moreover you get good sexual health only if you have good health. Hence the reproductive organs are also healthy so that it favors the sexual activities.

The tantra yoga consists of various exercises that are used to integrate the mind, body and the spirit within.It is found good to start and end the day with these tantric exercises. Through these exercises, revitalizing the whole person occurs.

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